Yonoton appoints Scrum Master

Yonoton strengthens its core-team with the appointment of Sören Andersson as a Scrum Master.

Andersson, 42, makes a transition to Yonoton from IOT service company mFabrik.

Tell us little bit about your background?
I started out as a front-end developer in the early 2000’s and have since then worked as both a full stack developer, technical specialist and technical operations manager in a small IT company. The last couple of years I have focused on project management.

Why Yonoton?
Yonoton’s Commercial Director Atte Kniivilä asked me to consider Yonoton as the services provided were very close to my areas of expertise. Once I met with part of the team it was clear to me this would be a great place to work.

Yonoton is growing rapidly – your expectations?
Working at Yonoton will hopefully be equally challenging and fun!

Yonoton’s future insights?
I think Yonoton has a very bright future as digitalisation is becoming a vital part of the business for events, theme parks, restaurants and hotels.

What do you like to do outside of work?
In my spare time I like to go to concerts, grow my own chillis and practice thai boxing.

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